CES is deeply committed to improving the quality of its services while ensuring the protection and safety of its team members and the environment. As a responsible company, we place great emphasis on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) as key elements in all our endeavors and activities.
"Doing the job right and doing it safely"
Our commitment to QHSE begins with our senior leaders and is the responsibility of each staff member including the freshest recruit.
CES significantly invests in QHSE training to ensure compliance with every aspect of its operational activities. We are constantly striving to provide our customers with services that are of the highest professional and technical standards, which comply with both our QHSE Management System and local statutory requirements.

Nine elements of
QHSE-Management System
CES’s Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (QHSE-MS) is certified and based upon ISO9001:2015 for quality, ISO14001:2015 for environmental compliance and OHSAS18001:2007 for occupational health and safety comprising of the following elements:

1. Leadership commitment and accountability
Our senior management leads by example and every team member within the organization has an essential part to play to ensure QHSE compliance.

2. Policy & strategic objectives
All our policies and strategic objectives are formulated to guarantee quality service to customers and the wellbeing and safety of our staff.

3. Organization & responsibilities
Our organizational structure and delineation of responsibilities promises optimum output by all team members in order to deliver the best quality of services to our clients.

4. Design & planning
All our systems and processes have been designed and planned to ensure compliance with QHSE objectives and targets.

5. Risk assessment & management
Our activities are designed after thorough assessment of all risks involved and care is taken to minimise and manage any kind of threat.

6. Contractor & supplier management
An integral part of our operations, contractors and suppliers are brought on board after a clear understanding and agreement to comply with the QHSE policy.

7. Safe system of work
Every care is taken to ensure a safe system and working environment for all our employees and anyone that enters our sphere of influence.

8. Documentation & performance reviews
We ensure that all components of the CES QHSE Management System are documented, communicated, implemented, reviewed and maintained.

9. Management System
Our facilities and equipment are routinely audited and reviewed to verify compliance with both our QHSE standards and those of our partners and customers. The management system is constantly reviewed, and where required, updated to achieve continual improvement in all spheres of CES operations.